Sunday, October 5, 2008

Film Notes

Warner Bros., Paramount, Walt Disney/Buena Vista, Sony/Columbia,
Twentieth Century Fox, Universal

Time Warner owns Warner Bros., New Line Cinema, Picturehouse, Warner
Independent Pictures
America On Line.
CNN, HBO, Cartoon Network, Time, Life, Sports Illustrated, People, DC
Atlantic, Elektra
Six Flags
Braves & Hawks


Average film
$60 million to make
$35 million to distribute
2000-4000 screens

Theatres = 30 million weekly viewers
Television = 200 million weekly viewers

35mm film = 12+ million pixels
Broadcast Video = 350,000 pixels
HD video = 2 million pixels

Video = 17 million hues
Film = 800+ million hues

Digital compresses film, adding more bit-by-bit encoding to moving
images. Non-moving scenes flat.

Top 10 percent of all films released garners 50 percent of all box
office receipts. Most popular 30 count for 80 percent.

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