The Secret Origin of Gowanus Pete!
Panel 1
A shot of the Gowanus river. The BQE in the background, a small boat chugging away from us in the distance, and a small wooden ramp on the left side.
Panel 2
Gowanus Pete is racing his BMX up the ramp.
Panel 3
Gowanus Pete soars above the water, the sun glistens behind him, the spray of the water refracting the light.
Panel 4
Gowanus Pete plummets into the water falling a good mark short of jumping the river.
Panel 5
Same as panel 1, pull back again to show the quiet scene, with rising bubbles from the water.
Panel 6
Gowanus Pete stands on the other side of the water's edge, a trail of puddles between him and the water. He's now a floppy octopus boy, all sad and soaking wet.
Pete: aww poop.
Wash Out at Sports
Panel 1
Mac stands with his fists on his hips, looking proud of himself, a self satisfied smile on his face, chin and chest puffed out. RapStarFriend stands before him looking puzzled.
RSF: So, you're going to compete in this thing?
MW: You know it!
Panel 2
Same as panel 1 except now his chest has dropped to his gut, his jaw is slack, and he's looking over his shoulder at StonerFriend who innocently raises a good point.
SF: Didn't you wash out at every sport you tried?
MW: Not every sport.
Panel 3
Mac swings a baseball bat and the ball has spun off the bat and cracks him in the side of the head.
RSF: Just baseball...
Panel 4
Mac has the football pop out of his grip as he's slammed by a massive linebacker.
SF: Football...
Panel 5
Mac is smooshed as a player dunks over his head, slamming the basketball through the hoop and bouncing off Mac's head.
RSF: Oh and Basketball...
Panel 6
Mac standing with his arms open and trying to regain his dignity. MedFriend sits off to the side, head buried behind a textbook (Knowing Your Nervous System!).
MW: Look a few false starts in High School hardly count...
MF: What about your venture into X-treme Sports?
Page 2 - XTREME!
A montage of smaller panels showing his various attempts at sports.
Panel 1
Mac steps on a skateboard and it goes flying out from under him.
Panel 2
He is tangled up and pinned to the ground by a BMX bike frame on a half pipe.
Panel 3
His feet are sticking up out of bloody snow, a snowboard attached to his feet.
Panel 4
Other various XGames sports with him getting hurt.
Panel 5
Mac is pretending he can't hear his friends as he crosses his arms standing off to the side of them. The three of them sit next to each other in the background like a panel of judges.
MF: Then there was the time we played tennis...
RSF: Or when I taught you breakdancing...
SF: And that time we played hackeysack...hahaha
MW: Thanks guys.